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Game Changer

All About Us

What happens when a family patriarch, with a lifetime of  manufacturing experience, conveys his love for the game of Bocce to a grandson with engineering chops? You get Bocce 2.0, a reimagined tabletop version of the widely popular Bocce game that holds unlimited appeal as a competitive activity for people of all ages and abilities.


The patent-pending tabletop Bocce 2.0 format is so unique that you won't find anything like it anywhere else, and neither will your friends. Bocce 2.0 is the game-changing idea that is sweeping the country wherever fun, competitive, social activity is sought.

The Bocce 2.0 revolution isn't just for private residences, it is also rolling out in community centers, rehab facilities, country clubs, sports bars, hotel and motel recreation areas, retirement communities and more, all across the United States and, hopefully near you!

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